(250) 847-5211

Dze L K’ant Housing Society

In 2019, the Dze L k’ant Friendship Centre Society incorporated a new housing society: The Dze L K’ant Housing Society. The Dze L K’ant Housing Society was created to own and operate culturally safe Indigenous housing in the communities we serve.

Vision & Goals

The Dze L K’ant Housing Society’s goal is to ensure urban Indigenous people can afford to live safely in our communities. We aim to create a sense of belonging, cultural safety and vibrancy. Our housing projects will be places where our tenants are supported to live holistically healthy lives.

What We Do:

We are currently working actively with BC housing and local municipalities toward our goal of developing and operating affordable Indigenous housing in the communities of Smithers, Houston and Telkwa.

We aim to be leaders in providing culturally safe housing for elders, families and individuals.

Research projects:

  • Indigenous Perspectives on Homelessness and Housing Challenges in Smithers, Telkwa and Houston, BC. (Homelessness Community Action Grant) Read More Here: DLK Housing Study April 2022
  • Dze L K’ant Urban Indigenous Housing Study – understanding best practices in the provision of Indigenous housing.

Our housing project:

Read and learn more about our housing project here >>

IMAGE: This image by Studio 9 Architecture + Planning Ltd. provides an idea of what our housing may look like. As our project is still in the design and development phase, details may change.

Indigenous Housing Support Program

Did you know that the Dze L K’ant Friendship Centre has a housing support program for urban Indigenous people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness?

Learn more about our Indigenous Housing Support program and Homeless Outreach program >>

Board of Directors

Andrew Tom – President
Stanley Namox – Vice President
Susie Hooper – Secretary Treasurer
Kristal Grenkie – Director
John West – Director
Jillian Dennis – Youth Director

Housing Society News & Updates

Dze L K’ant Affordable Housing Development

Dze L K’ant Affordable Housing Development

IMAGE: Dze L K'ant Affordable Housing Project Design Studio 9 Architecture + Planning Ltd Dze L K'ant Affordable Housing for Indigenous Families and Elders in Smithers, B.C. The Dze L K’ant Housing Society is currently constructing our community’s first-urban based...

Contact Us

1188 Main Street, Smithers, BC V0J 2N0

250.847.5211 Ext. 208 housing.advisor@dzelkant.com

Monday - Friday: 8:30am - 4:30pm

Are you an elder or family looking for culturally safe housing?

Provide us with your contact information and housing needs by completing this form: