The Dze L K’ant Friendship Centre is pleased to announce that we have recently received the offer of a
gift of an 11-foot Brother Pole in the honor of missing and murdered Indigenous men and boys. This
gift was received from Indian Residential School Survivors Society (IRSSS North West Region).
The Dze L K’ant Friendship Centre’s goal is to work with the local families of MMIWG, as well as Witsuwit’en Hereditary Chiefs to accept this gift, bring this pole to our community and have it installed
here on unceded territory of the Witsuwit’en nation.
Arlene Roberts, Resolution Help Support Worker at the IRSSS says: “The Indian Residential School
Survivors Society has always appreciated all the hard work of the Dze L K’ant Friendship Centre, and
honored that you have accepted our 11-foot Brother Pole for Smithers. The Brother Pole was funded
by donation to the IRSSS. We decided that your organization would be the recipients because you are
always in the forefront of advocating for our beautiful First Nations.”
The Dze L K’ant Friendship Centre is honored to receive this donation. IRSSS has been in the forefront
of supporting Survivors & their families for almost 27 years now, and now has Regional offices
throughout BC. IRSSS continues to be supportive of the MMIWG/2sLGBT / Men & Boys, as well as
Survivors and their families, friends & allies. The organization provides training and workshops
throughout BC on the history, impacts and healing of residential schools.
Nisga’a and Tsimshian carver Mike Dangeli carved two poles, the Grandmother, and the Brother, with
the help of his two sons Nick Dangeli & Michael Daniel, to honor MMIWG and has received the
blessing of the Kitsumkalum chiefs on whose territory they were carved. The beautiful Grandmother
pole was raised in September 2020 along highway 16 at Kitsumkalum. The Brother Pole is now in Smithers and will be raised at the Cultural Centre on November 17th.
Andrew Tom, President of the Dze L K’ant Friendship Centre says: “This brother pole, which we hope
to raise on the unceded territory of the Witsuwit’en nation will be an important memorial. The pole
stands as a place of healing for families and a reminder of the national issue of missing and murdered
Indigenous men, women, girls and our children.”
The Dze L K’ant Friendship Centre’s plan is to ensure that pole compliments the work we have done with the local families of MMIWG in designing “At the Heart Mural” located on Main Street, Smithers. The pole will acknowledge our local Indigenous culture, promote reconciliation and provide an opportunity for much needed community healing.
The Dze L K’ant Friendship Centre would like to take the opportunity to thank the following businesses for their gracious and thoughtful partnership in the Brother Pole project; this project would not be possible without:
Bulkley Valley Engineering Services Ltd. and their professional services regarding the design and installation of a foundation system for the Brother Pole including the design drawings, specifications, and filed review during the construction phase.
Vandergaag Construction Ltd. and their time, resources and help with respect to preparation of the base and installation of the pole.
And High-tech Drilling Ltd. and their support during the entire life of the project and for welding the structure supporting the Brother Pole.
The Dze L K’ant Friendship Centre Society is truly grateful for the dedication and commitment of its partners and is encouraged by this local partnership. If you would like more information about the Brother Pole Project contact us by phone at 250-847-5211 or email: