AECD Pregnancy Outreach Program

Jennifer Wilson
Pregnancy Outreach Worker
(250) 845-2131
A lifelong resident of the Bulkley Valley, Jennifer Wilson is a member of the Gitxsan and Wet’suwet’en Nations (Hagwilget, BC), and belongs to the Killer Whale Clan. She happily resides in Houston with her husband and their three boys.
Jennifer joined the Houston team at the Dze L K’ant Friendship Centre Society in October 2020 as its Pregnancy Outreach Worker. As a mother of three, she understands the importance of connection and support for new and expectant mothers. She is dedicated to providing a safe and welcoming environment for mothers to feel a sense of belonging, as part of their community.
The Pregnancy Outreach Program in Houston offers drop-in programming, pre/post-natal education, home visit support, and one-on-one support. The program provides practical necessities such as prenatal vitamins, vitamin D, diapers, cleansing wipes, and connects them with a variety of resources. The Houston P.O.P. is also proud to provide a toy, equipment, and book lending library; a wide variety of information and skill building workshops, as well as healthy meals and snacks to help with food security and family well-being. This includes farmers market coupons for families.