(250) 847-5211

Aboriginal Family Development Coordinator

Emma Bowen

Emma Bowen

Early Year Childhood Development Coordinator


(250) 845-2131

Email: aecd.coordinator@dzelkant.com

Emma Bowen began working for the Dze L K’ant Friendship Centre Society’s Houston office in 2017. She is a long-time resident of Houston, and holds certifications in Early Childhood Development, Special Needs Education, and Social Service Family Support. She has over 15 years of experience working in licensed child care facilities, school age programs, and within the school district.

Emma has a strong passion for working with young children. She believes that supporting youth and their families is vital to a healthy community and positive future.

The Aboriginal Early Childhood Development Program promotes a community approach to supporting families though a range of services which include prevention, early intervention, education, training, and community outreach. The intent of the program is to provide safe, nurturing environments for children to maximize their growth and enhance their developmental potential.